Gardens are trendy right now, especially here in Indiana. Whether your garden design is formal, coastal, Japanese, or Mediterranean, an appealing landscaping design makes your garden a calming space for relaxation. If you’re ready to update your garden or plan a  new garden project, it’s time to get trendy.

Reasons to Update Your Garden  

Of course, there are other reasons to update your garden as well, even if you aren’t so sure about a new modern look.

  • Changing usage requirements. Perhaps you’ve decided the garden pond is more work than you have time for. Maybe your family has grown, and you need more lawn space. Gardens can grow with your family and lifestyle when planned and executed properly.
  • Lush overload. While your plants may have once been beautiful, they’ve become a source of stress and messiness. If your bushes, hedges, or trees have grown out of control, it might be time to consider a garden update.
  • Lost pathways. At one point, you had a lovely, sculpted paving design winding its way through beautiful plants and flowers. But as years pass, the material has weathered or sunk deeper into the ground. A garden update should always include a fresh modern paving design.
  • New phases of life. Are you getting older? The children left home for good to start their own families, and now you’re saddled with garden care on your own. When you upgrade your garden to reflect this new phase of your life, it becomes easier to care for, keeping it beautiful for longer.

Time to Get Modern

Contemporary gardens are sleek and minimalist. They look inviting by including more textural elements and avoiding plants lined up in grid patterns. When designing a modern garden, always remember that less is more. This principle can be applied to all elements as you update your garden. Let Aisling View create a gorgeous yard with plants and garden furniture that are perfectly coordinated. Your updated garden should look and feel like an extension of your house.

Here are some other ways we can help you modernize a dated garden.

  • Limit plants to a few types
  • Remove shapes and colors
  • Use paving stones to achieve balance and minimize maintenance
  • Install wooden decks, gazebos, or pergolas
  • Add raised garden beds
  • Add flower beds of varying heights
  • Use natural stone blocks as edging
  • Add a bubbling fountain or narrow stream
  • Remove old stagnant ponds
  • Choose only a few colors of flowers and furniture to accentuate their beauty
  • Use repetition to make the garden appear more harmonious

Are you ready to update your garden with all these new, modern ideas? First, you’ll need a unique and personalized landscaping plan to carry out your vision, and we can’t wait to help.

Aisling View has done incredible work in the Indianapolis area for many years. Call us today at 317-636-9408 for an accurate and reasonable estimate.

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