If you’ve ever passed by a building and seen trees, plants, and other flowery ornamentation outside of it, you’ve seen commercial landscape in action. There’s a lot of integrated form and function in commercial landscape design, and here’s how you get started.

What’s Your Commercial Landscape Design Message?

Your business’s landscape design scheme conveys your mission and brand in the form of trees and well-manicured grass and bushes. If you want customers to walk into your business feeling calm, happy, and positive, concentrate on the walk to your door. Plants, gardens, fountains, and architectural designs are all features used to express your message.

Your landscape design also directs traffic flow towards the entrances and surrounds your clients with your message as they walk into your business.

Landscaping Around Signs?

Another aspect you might need to consider with your landscape design is the signage inside your business environment. For example, a firm no soliciting sign might give off unfriendly vibes. You don’t want these signs to stick out like sore thumbs among your carefully curated landscaping. Regarding signage in front of your business, consider whether an immovable sign will compete or complement your overall landscaping design.

Using native plants, blooming flowers that complement the sign’s color. Utilize triangular shapes that narrow as they get closer to the top. It will pull your customer’s attention to the sign while not being too noticeable or distracting.

Municipal Restrictions Affecting Commercial Landscape Design

The restrictions for your commercial landscape design will be different depending on the state and even the city you’re in. Sometimes one area has an exemption that another doesn’t. In most cases, it’s best practice to research your laws and restrictions if you plan to start a landscaping business or if you plan to overhaul your own backyard.

You can avoid doing this necessary research legwork when working with a qualified designing team like Aisling View.

Make Sure to Handle Maintenance

Finally, while it can be loads of fun to build a massive commercial landscape design for the front of your business, make sure that you can maintain the look as well. To keep the landscaping looking nice, flowers must be watered and tended to regularly, trees must be trimmed, and grass requires mowing. Before committing to a final build, keep all that in mind because you don’t want to find out you can’t maintain the landscape once it’s complete.

Aisling View has been providing Indianapolis with incredible landscaping service for many years. Our architects and landscape designers design and build landscapes and hardscapes for homes, commercial buildings, and entrances. The landscaping team can install paths, gardens, ponds, fountains, pergolas, and fences in addition to foundation plantings.

If you need landscaping done for your commercial or residential area, please reach out to our talented team today.

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