With January’s frigid temperatures bringing in the cold and snow, you can bring in a touch of spring indoors by forcing bulbs to start blooming, bringing in color and getting them ready to plant in the spring.  Here are some pro-tips on how to coax your bulbs indoors:

  1. For flowers like hyacinths, put the bulbs in forcing bulbs vases, which are pinch-necked vases where the bottom of the bulb is submerged.
  2. Put the bulbs in a dark, cold area to root for 8-16 weeks. The temperature is very important and should be 40 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a good idea to get a maximum-minimum thermometer that you can get at a garden center.
  3. If the water gets murky, you should change it. When roots fill the glass, bring it in to low light and warmer temperatures of 60 degrees Fahrenheit, again check your maximum-minimum thermometer.
  4. You can also plant bulbs in soil and keep in 40 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit during the rooting process.
  5. Some hyacinths (such as Lady Derby) can be stored in a dry paper bag in your refrigerator for 8-10 weeks. Then you can put them on water in the forcing bulbs vase.
  6. Some flowers don’t require chilling, paperwhite narcissus and amaryllis are easy for those new to forcing bulbs because they don’t require chilling.

Once you get your bulbs to start blooming, follow these steps to maintain the bloom:

  1. Keep the plants out of direct sunlight and away from drafts and heating vents.
  2. For potted blooms, keep the moist but not soggy.
  3. For water-grown bulbs, replace the water to just below the bottom of the bulb every three days.
  4. When warm weather comes and you plant your bloomed bulbs, you can fertilize them after the bulbs bloom, and they are still green. Fertilize them with plant food turned into the soil as directed and then apply a ¼ inch layer of earthworm casings.

Learning more about forcing bulbs over winter will get you closer to a beautiful spring garden.  When you are ready for your spring planting, contact Aisling View for all your gardening needs at 317-636-9408.
Aisling View are experts in designing hardscapes and landscaping for homes and busineses. We make your gardens look attractive and that helps you to keep your flowers blooming!

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