Spring is such an exciting time for gardeners! The tender sprouts popping their little heads out of the soil and green buds bursting open everywhere! But what if you aren’t a gardener? That doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy the beauty of flower gardens in your landscape, but you just aren’t that interested in all that goes into building them – and there’s a lot. That’s OK, because Aisling View is here to take care of all the details and build the gardens that the bees and you will love.

There are a lot of decisions to make when building gardens that will be beautiful through every season of the year – and that’s what you’ll want.

  • You want to enjoy the bursting spring green and pops of color with maybe crocus, tulips, and daffodils.
  • Summer can bring swaths of color around your home or business from brilliant geraniums, golden day lilies, and tall stately cone flowers.
  • The fall blooms, too. Think of asters and mums, or the easy-to-grow Autumn Sedum, or a wide ribbon of purple Russian Sage across the back of your yard.
  • Then with winter, the snow sits atop the bushes and shrubs making berries in them stand out brightly and creating interesting designs.

To design and build a landscape that delights you through the entire year requires a lot of decisions about plants:

  • Height and width?
  • Bloom times?
  • Size of blooms?
  • Colors?
  • Annual or perennial?

Those are the fun and beautiful decisions. But then there are the technical questions to answer that many amateur gardeners don’t consider – and that often makes or breaks their gardens:

  • Water needs?
  • Staking needs?
  • Hardiness? or zonal recommendations?
  • Soil conditions required?
  • Light or shade requirements?
  • Does the plant need to be contained to prevent spreading?
  • Best for foliage or blooms?
  • Timing of blooms?
  • Care required for best presentation?

Yes, planting a garden is complicated. And, because what you are working with are living things, the amount of care and time to be devoted to them is often one of the biggest, and most important questions.

That’s when the experience and knowledge of a professional landscaper comes in handy. After more than 20 years in the business, we know what works – and what doesn’t – when building a landscape for the owner to enjoy.

  • We know what grows well, and what needs to be nurtured.
  • We know the plants that might be absolutely beautiful, but won’t meet expectations in the Indiana soil.
  • We know how to balance shrubs, greenery, and foliage with blooms large and small.

It’s not by chance when you drive by a home and see lovely landscaping. No, someone has taken great pains to make it lovely. That doesn’t mean that you have to be out tending it every morning and evening, either. Your home can be trimmed with beautiful gems of color that will delight you and your neighbors. And, the beauty (excuse the pun) of it is that you can update old landscapes that have become tired, overgrown, or just plain dull.

Even if you enjoy gardening, you can depend on Aisling View to help you design and install the garden of your dreams. You can get a fresh perspective from some of the completed projects we’ve done. We love making your home your beautiful refuge! Call us at 317-636-9408 or send us a message through our website to get started today.