Does your home’s landscaping look sad and tired? If you’ve lived in your home for 5, 10, 15 years or more, over time, your landscaping can become overgrown from improperly spaced plants and shrubs that haven’t been pruned. Or, plants, shrubs and trees can die. If you haven’t been diligent in the upkeep of your yard, not only can that have an adverse effect on your home’s curb appeal, but it can negatively affect you, too. If you rush into your house after getting your mail, because you’re too embarrassed to been seen in your front yard, or you can’t remember the last time you enjoyed sitting on your porch, looking at your beautiful gardens and landscaping, it’s time for a landscape upgrade.

D. Aisling View, located in Indianapolis, can help you create a beautiful, lush yard that increases the curb appeal of your home. With some improvements to your landscapes and hardscapes, your home can become the envy of your neighborhood. Check out some of services we provide that can add some oomph to your home’s outward appearance:

Curb Appeal Tip No. 1 – Clean up debris

If your landscaping has been neglected, the crews at Aisling View can:

  • Clean up your yard and gardens.
  • Dig up dead or rotting annuals, plants and shrubs.
  • Pull up weeds.
  • Pick up sticks, limbs and other trash.
  • Rake leaves.
  • Prune shrubs and small trees.

Curb Appeal Tip No. 2 – Design and install flower beds and gardens

Aisling View can spruce up your yard’s appeal by designing and installing colorful flower beds and gardens. We take pride in our creative designs, and we will work with you to include your flower, plant or shrub preferences in our plans. We include a variety of plant sizes, colors and textures in our garden layouts to create stunning seasonal displays. Prime spots for flower beds and gardens are immediately in front of your house, along driveways or walkways, at the front corners of your yard, and around your mailbox. Depending upon what you like, we can also install decorative stone, brick or concrete borders around your garden beds to create eye-catching elements and boost your home’s visual appeal.

If flowers aren’t your thing or you don’t want the deal with maintenance, we can also install rock gardens that feature low-maintenance and/or drought-resistant plants.

Curb Appeal Tip No. 3 – Design and install landscapes

At Aisling View, we can construct a variety of landscape and hardscape features. If you want to surround your home with a verdant oasis, we can update your lawn by installing lush, green sod for instant facelift. We can also add ornamental grasses, bushes or trees to create a vibrant display of color year-round that accents your home.

To define and add texture to your yard, Aisling View is an expert at creating innovative hardscapes, such as walkways, driveways, patios, and retaining walls. From stone to brick to decorative concrete, we can create walkways and driveways that dramatically improve your home’s first impressions while welcoming your visitors. If your home lacks a eye-catching front porch, we can create an inviting outdoor entry/living area where you, your family and friends will want to gather and socialize for hours on end or simply relax after a long day at work.

 Contact Aisling View Today

If you’re ready to give your yard a distinctive look that creates a lasting impression, contact Aisling View today at 317-636-9408 for a free estimate. We want to help you maximize your home’s curb appeal by boosting your landscape’s appearance, so you’re proud of your residence.